Slam balls

Slam balls

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Slam balls are weighted balls filled with sand on the inside and is rubber coated from the outside. Primarily focuses of targeting the Upper body and part of Lower body, including; Shoulders, Upper Back, Biceps, Chest, Core, Quads, Hamstrings and Glutes thus making it a highly useful and versatile workout tool in your cardio exercises.


Slam balls are weighted balls filled with sand on the inside and is rubber coated from the outside. Primarily focuses of targeting the Upper body and part of Lower body, including; Shoulders, Upper Back, Biceps, Chest, Core, Quads, Hamstrings and Glutes thus making it a highly useful and versatile workout tool in your cardio exercises. While performing dynamic movements it .provides resistance and added weight hence challenging your muscles.

Benefits of Slam Balls:

Great for Warm Up, Main Set & Finisher

Helps you gain Strength, Power & Stability

Effective in challenging your muscles



A Few Workouts Done Using Slam Balls;

Standing Overhead Slam

Squat Throw

Reverse Lunge To Chest Press

Single Leg Deadlift

OverHead Lunges

Russian Twists

Slam Ball Sit-Ups

Slam Ball Plank


Single Arm Push-Up