Kettlebells are a great for strength training. kettlebells reign supreme because they’re totally interchangeable for dumbbells or other weights but for some weighted moves, especially ones that require an explosive movement . The way they’re shaped makes them much easier to swing around.
- Description
Coated in Vinyl material, kettlebells can be used to perform many types of exercises, including ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. Ballistic- meaning fast lifts is one benefit kettlebell training offers rather than the slow and controlled strength training most of us are used to doing. These types of exercises get your heart rate up in a whole different way than cardio and challenge almost challenge almost every muscle in your body.
Kettlebells sizes ranging from 4kg-48kg;
Kettlebells are a great for strength training. kettlebells reign supreme because they’re totally interchangeable for dumbbells or other weights but for some weighted moves, especially ones that require an explosive movement . The way they’re shaped makes them much easier to swing around.
Workouts that can be done using kettlebells;
- Russian Kettle bell swing
- Single-arm kettle bell swing
- Two-arm kettle bell row
- Kettle bell figure eight
- Kettle bell goblet squat
- Kettle bell high pull
- Kettle bell lunge press
- Kettle bell sumo high pull
- Kettle bell Russian twist
- Kettle bell slingshot
- Single-arm kettle bell floor press
- Kettle bell power plank with row
- Side step kettle bell swing
- Kettle bell dead-lift
- Kettle bell half get-up
- Kettle bell push-up
- Kettle bell windmill
- Kettle bell clean
- Two-arm kettle bell military press
- Single-arm kettle bell split jerk
- Single-arm kettle bell snatch
- Kettle bell push-up with row
- Kettle bell Dead-lift
Training with kettlebells during workouts give you more strength, more power but also more flexibility and resistance.You can combine muscle strengthening and cardio training just by using this training tool.